Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The seven sacraments

Today we were learning about the seven sacraments and the ones we need to receive are Holy communion and confirmation.And you might not receive Holy orders because you might be married.

Monday, August 27, 2018

My interpretation
Ten people chose dogs as their favourite pet. Students like dogs because
they are playful. Fish were the least favourite because you can’t play
with them or you can’t pet it. Cats and rabbits were liked by a similar
amount of people. Three people chose cats and two people chose
rabbits as their favourite pets. There was a difference of one between
these categories. Six people chose hamsters. I think six people
chose hamsters because they are cute and they can run on wheels.
Also they are small and would not cost a lot of money to look after.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Tricks used in advertising

Today we learned tricks used in advertising it was so much fun to do this and a little bit sad to see are fav food in ads that are fake.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

All about ST Mary MacKillop

Today we have been learning about ST Mary MacKillop.Mary was very important to are school because the Josephite sisters was teaching are school and they only started two rooms.